尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!


 0.8μm 700V BCD G3S


        0.8μm 700V BCD G3S是公司的标准高压工艺平台之一,是以较经济的光刻层数实现700V高压工艺,特别合适离线式电源(AC/DC)和LED 驱动产品设计,特征为0.8μm前端/0.5μm后端,单层多晶,双层金属,工艺平台提供常规及隔离的5V低压CMOS、40V中压CMOS器件、700V LDMOS、700V HV 耗尽管、700V JFET器件,以及多晶高阻和齐纳二极管等器件。


 Key Features
- 0.8 micron front-end, 0.5 micron back-end design rule
- Modular concept (HR/ Zener / BJT / 700V JFET/ Special require)
- 500V LDMOS (BVds>550V)/ 650V LDMOS (BVds>700V)/700V LDMOS (BVds>750V) 
- JFET Voff: -9V/-25V
- High value poly resistor; 1K or 3K


- Off-line power (AC/DC)
- LED driver


 0.8μm 40V HV Power Analog


        0.8μm HV P/A是公司的新一代高压工艺平台,是以最少光刻层数实现的经济高压工艺,工艺特征为0.8μm FEOL/0.35umBEOL 线宽,双层多晶,四层金属,应用于数模混合的高压产品。工艺平台提供常规及隔离的5V低压CMOS、25V中压和40V高压CMOS器件,以及多晶高阻和齐纳二极管等器件。


 Key Features
- 5V logic layout & performance compatible with the industry standard
- 0.8 micron front-end, 0.35 micron back-end design rule
- Epi process for isolated devices
- Modular concept (HR/ Zener / BJT / Special require)
- Vgs/Vds=5V/25 or Vgs/Vds=5V/40V,Vgs/Vds=25V/25 or Vgs/Vds=40V/40V HVCMOS
- High value poly resistor
- I/O cell library with 2KV HBM ESD protection levels


- LCD driver/LED driver
- Power management product
- Battery protection IC